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Name: J. Ekstrom
Nice read on the TOT article. I look forward each year to being one of those the sidelines cheering the riders on. It is such an awesome sight and I've never really been into motorcycles. This is something that always makes me wish I had one. Last year I brought my 1 year old daughter to watch and I'll bring her back this year. We'll be there waving our flags! Janet
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Name: Ti
This is going to be my1st year on the Trail of Tears,But my Hubby rides it every year since it started,I'am so excited,I been checking out everybody's pictures and getting more excited,we do alot of fundraiser runs, But this trail one is the one I been looking forward to since last yearWe ride the old old Blue Truimp,Hope to see you there,Ti & Garry Bone
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Name: Dean and Toni Franklin
From: Eclectic, AL
My husband and I have done this ride for 7 years. We started in 1995, so this tear will be #8. We started to get a group together from our area, which is another 10-15 bikes with mostly couples. Our first year there were only about 300 bikes that year, so it really has grown. We're gonig to try to go all the way to Oklahoma next year, we had made plans for this year but due to pending surgery for my husband we can't. We are from a some town in Alabama called,Eclectic, and love to do this ride. Hope to see you there.Dean and Toni
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Name: John Crawford
Great site.Ido the trail of tears every year,and have since 97. Love it,it is a fun time for all.Keep up the good work
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Name: Buzzy
I like your motorcycle camping list. I'll use it for my next trip.
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Name: Bob Smith
From: Anglin, AR E-mail:
I just got my very first bike and it's an 83 Gold Wing. I got my permit about 3 weeks ago and after looking for a crusier I happened upon this bike, black with about 38,000 miles on her, for just about what I was looking to spend. I thought at first it might be too big for me where I was just starting out but when I sat on it I just sort of became part of it - or it became part of me. It has a few problems but nothing major. One is that the radio is inop - I've got power but no audio, and another is the speedo cable is broken at the wheel. If anyone can direct me to a site that may have repair tips I'd appreciate it greatly. The dealer I bought it from didn't tell me about the problems - but then again -what can you expect! I hope to get a few years of touring in and hope to hear from some of you as to where you've been and any tips/tricks you might have for me. Have a good one.... Bob
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Name: Mike
Great page ... interesting headlight modulator information.. Ride safe .... Mike we lived in b'ham, al when the f5 hit. our hearts still go out to all those who suffered and lost so much in that terrible tornado. we just pray that they are getting their lives back together as much as they can, and we know that is easier said than done. our prayers are with them.
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Name: Toni McNaughton
I would love to ride this trail, just once, because of what it stands for. Unfortunately, I don't ride motorcycles and do't know anyone who does. However, I will be there in spirit and through this web site.
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Name: Brenda Thomas
Since discovering the TRAIL OF TEARS have not missed a ride, We purchased a new Goldwing in 1999 and had so much fun, we could not leave our grandson at home, so we had to then figure out a way for three to ride. We did, bought a sidecar. Hope to see and hear from you at the ride this year. Have a safe ride. 
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Name: Beth
From: Indiana, PA
I'm only 17 and my little sister and I go hunting every year with my dad. When people threaten our right to have guns it not only makes us angry but makes my whole family angry.