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Name: larry smith
From: Jasper
E-mail: ditchdoc1017@yahoo.com
I was looking at your red neck trailer. I am looking at making some type to pull behind my GW 1800. Thanks
Added: July 2, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Bryant
From: S-th Florida (The everglades)
E-mail: seawater692000@yahoo.com
The view in the 911 pics, seemed to me to have ben taken from the Jersey shore,as more years ago than i can count, i did security work for the Military at MOT/Bayonne.
Added: May 11, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: alain
From: what you gonnnasay?metairie,LA
E-mail: akira6766@aol.com
Added: April 21, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: rick lansing
From: ma
E-mail: rlansing@comcast.net
Right, cars result in 45 times as many deaths. But the only purpose of a gun is to kill or threaten to harm a living being except when not used for target practice. There are more cars than guns. Cars are used over greater spectrum of time than guns. If you are going to engage statistics, then you'd better be more sophisticated and perceptive in your analysis.
Added: April 20, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Larry Peoples
From: Ocean Springs, MS
E-mail: peoplesl@cableone.net
Hey Mick, it was good talking to you today. It seems a long time since we just talked. Hope you can make it down this way this summer. We will be up there the first week in May. Oh, by the way, love your web site. I just read all of the comments posted and boy are some of these people on gun control bugger eaten morons. Talk to you later.
Added: April 3, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Face
Mick, You are soooo stupid. Of course I am not naiive enough to believe that once you outlaw guns, people won't go to to other means to fulfill their violent nature, but are you naiive enough to believe that you can kill or injure someone as easily with a club than you can with a gun? So that would mean that if you had a club and I was 30 ft away from you, you could kill me or injure me as easily as you could with a gun? I dont think so. I mean I know that once you outlaw guns the crime rate wouldn't disapear, but come on, wouldn't it help take it down a good bit? I think so. So you say all this c*** about protecting yourself but, did you ever think that if your neighbor didn't have a gun or your friendly neighborhood criminal didn't have a gun, then there would be no reason for you to protect yourself. Think about it, it would be easy for a police officer with a gun to take on a criminal with a blunt object. I'm sorry but it really bugs me when people are for guns and they don't think about the fact that if no average citizens had a gun then their would be no reason for your own gun. You can just take them on by combat. But that brings up the subject of elderly people. Gun activist ask what happens when the elderly are attacked? There are way more things that they could use like tasers and just good old fashioned alarm systems. Well thats all i have to say for now.

Admin reply: Criminals will always have guns and they laugh at tasers and alarm systems. Keep toting your big stick because eventually you will need it. You think it's Ok for the police to have guns but not citizens. I'm sure you have loser written across your forehead. Here's another left wing buggor eating liberal with no real name.

Added: December 9, 2006 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Tregeta85
Hi I am a Senior in High School and I just wanted to say that your site as well as you links have provided information to help back up my opinions on gun control. I really don't get people who want to take away their own defense and think that the police will always be there. Or that if gun control is passed, that every criminal is just going to hand in their guns and not kill people anymore. Anyway I think this is a cool site and i hope that you maybe put a few more things on it.
Added: December 9, 2006 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Lael Taft
From: Suprise, AZ
Im from Surprise, AZ, USA Just wanted to say hello, from another LAEL

Admin reply: Lael is my granddaughter, Thanks, Mick

Added: December 5, 2006 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Jo
From: LA
I am required to do a debate in speech class and was looking for things to say. I am supposed to be pro gun control but am definately not. I have realized that during this study I have learned that most americans do not support gun control. I know we have some control but not too much. I was wondering if maybe you could give me a few stats soon about how many people are actually killed by handguns each year. This would be very helpful in my debate. But remember in reality I am very much PRO gun! And I support America all the way. Jo Johnson<br>Lake Charles Louisiana
Added: December 1, 2006 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Joe Strummer
I really like the post were you made fun of Nastasha's name. Now I know how much childish name calling strengthens your pro gun argument, but it has some flaws. The biggest one being that Nastasha is actually a real name. The name Nastasha is an entirely different one. Maybe it's not a name that is commonly heard in trailerpark hills Alabama or wherever you live, but it is a name none the less. Thank you for your time and for letting me point out just one of your many faults.

Admin reply: Trailer park hills? That's really cruel. If you would like to see a picture of my home type the following link into the address bar of your browser. http://lindleyonline.com/flag/flag.htm Maybe it is name calling but what does that have to do with our pro gun beliefs. However, thanks for pointing out one of my many faults. Come back anytime Joe. Sincerely, Mick Lindley

Added: November 25, 2006 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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