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Name: Betsy
Mick Lindley's article said that in Britain and Australia, where guns are banned, crime has shot up. But Mick, in England, 54 people have been killed by guns in 1998. In America, the number is 11,789. Face it. Guns are much more popular and quicker ways of murder than stones, clubs, etc. That is antiquated, as is your completely literal interpretation of the second amendment. When the second amendment was ratified, it was meant for the state militias to protect their citizens. Also, people needed rifles to protect themselves on the frontier. Would everyone who is pro-2nd amendment like a rifle instead of a handgun?
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Name: Kim
you have a great site, i am doing a paper on gun control and it really helped me with some information i can use......this is for enraged from Seatle, actually if you would like to get technical the act of one being pushed, falling, or held in any body of water without being able to swim, or free themselves out of it, and inhaling water in their lungs until their lungs fill up with fluid is called drowning so maybe, enraged you should get your facts right
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Name: Jimmika Bevelle
I'm a student at Oak Grove High School. I love the website it tells and shows what we went through on April.8,1998. i just want to say thank you for creating it. Sincerely,Jimmika Bevelle
Added: September 24, 2006 |
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Name: Clyde and Sue Lindley
Thanks and we enjoyed reading the Lindley Genealogy page very much. I have forwarded an email with related information on the Lindley family tree.
Added: September 22, 2006 |
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Name: John & Tina Overcast
2002 was our first trip on our Harley to and on the Trail of Tears. We ride everywhere we can and thanks to our friends from Alabama, which we met in Pensicola, CJ and Dickey, were invited to ride with them. We made the trip, enjoy their company and the ride. It rained of course, but our experience was still one of the best rides ever. It was beautiful and just a great experience. We met and made a lot of friends, and was just beautiful riding country. Maybe next year, no rain, but hey, what are rain suits for! Thanks CJ and Dickey, and yes we will be doing it again!
Added: September 20, 2006 |
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Name: Drew Gautner
This is a great site--I'm going to use this to help me give speeches in a couple of my classes here at St. Martin's--one in speech, one in political science. Great site!
Added: September 21, 2006 |
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Name: Gail Arrington
From: Alabama
Love your sight! I have gone on the Trail Of Tears every year! It's great!
Added: September 18, 2006 |
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Name: Jimmy and Glynda Moore
Hi Mick, Just heard about the TOT ride, thought we would check it out. Not sure if we can make it this year, maybe we will see next year.
Added: September 16, 2006 |
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Name: Nicole
Yes, it is said that God created man and Sam Colt made them equal However, Sam Colt just made everyone cowardly and weak. He really brought out the typical idea of Americana. Admin reply: Nicole, what on earth is your point here? Mick
Added: September 11, 2006 |
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Name: Harvey Thompson
Great web site. love the TOT pics and letters. RIDE ON MY FRIENDS , RIDE ON!!!!
Added: September 10, 2006 |