Lindley Time Capsules
Five time capsules are being placed in various places around the southeastern United States. Locations are chosen carefully to avoid any future development of any kind that might possibly disturb them. In the event they are disturbed or lost for any reason surely some of them will survive. Keep in mind things can change drastically. We have placed them in out of the way sites but anything can happen. A road, a building, a walkway, or many things could be built right on top of them, or near them. You may have to use "stealth" someday to avoid detection when and if you plan to retrieve them.
The purpose of them is to leave something to future generations decades later. Hopefully they will have an interest and go find them with their families. Consider it an adventure Mimi & Poppy sent you on. If you have no interest you will hurt no ones feelings if you never go and find them. Never feel you are obligated to do it.
What's in them? A letter to our future generations from Poppy. A letter to our future generations from Mimi. Two books written by Poppy. Genealogical information on the Lindley family and others. And other assorted goodies.
A Garmin GPS-V receiver was used to record the coordinates of the capsules. Present technology will only allow accuracy to 10 feet. For that reason measurements will be taken and included of points that are thought to remain stationary. Hopefully better technology of the future will allow you to find them more easily. Keep in mind though that the coordinates taken could have a slight error, and no technology can correct that.
Who are the capsules for? They are for the generation after Chace, Madeline, Mallory, Lael, and Caeden. Mimi and Poppy's great grandchildren and generations after them. That's right, children who are not even born yet.
Capsule #1 N33º ??.??? W086º ??.???
Capsule #2 N33º ??.??? W086º ??.???
Capsule #3 N33º ??.??? W086º ??.???
Capsule #4 N33º ??.??? W086º ??.???
Capsule #5 N33º ??.??? W086º ??.???
The real coordinates will not appear on the web site.
The purpose of the rebar cross is to make finding the capsule easier. If you find the rebar and it is 7 1/4 inches and 11 1/4 inches you can be sure you are in the exact spot where the capsule was buried.
The capsule is filled with nitrogen to displace any moisture that might be in it when the caps were glued on. The caps cannot be removed. To open the capsule stand it on one end and saw off the end of one of the caps.
Happy Hunting, Mimi and Poppy