Tuesday September
18 08:15 PM EDT
What We Fight To Protect
Before they died
on Flight 93, Jeremy Glick, Thomas Burnett Jr. and Todd Beamer did
something characteristically American. So characteristic, in fact, it
has passed almost unnoticed.
armed only with only plastic butter knives, knowing a wrong move would
risk their own and others' lives, at least three guys did what
Americans do: They voted.
They voted to
jump the hijacker with the (perhaps fake) red bomb strapped to his
chest. "Let's roll," Todd Beamer was overheard by a GTE supervisor
saying. Moments before, Beamer and the GTE supervisor did something
else characteristically American: They prayed. "Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for
Thou art with me."
thousand feet below and to the north, voting had been suspended in New
York City's mayoral primary, as the twin towers crumbled to dust.
Yet what an
amazing feat of engineering! Gleaming 110-story towers hit by jumbo
jets half again as huge as what the towers were designed to withstand.
Yet the towers stood, bleeding smoke and fire, long enough to
allow 15,000 or more New Yorkers to evacuate before the laws of physics
finally brought the walls tumbling, crumbling down.
Here is another
difference between us and the barbarians: They had no tools capable
even of tearing down such heights of human glory. They had to borrow
our own achievements to use against us. They think our strength lies in
the visible sphere, in objects they can bomb to rubble. Fools. We built
those towers, we can rebuild them -- or something even grander.
Minutes later
Flight 93 crashed into Pennsylvania countryside. My first thought:
Remember these men. They saved the White House. Now I think they saved
us from something worse: the confusion, horror and lack of clarity that
would result if our own military had had to shoot down an airliner.
That, I suspect, was the hijackers' plan all along: Why wander as far
as Cleveland before doubling back for Washington? Surely they knew
American fighter planes would be airborne an hour after the World Trade
Center assault.
The pundits who
criticize Bush's initial performance are living in a lost world, where
the president's primary job was to feel our pain. No more. After
Tuesday, the president has a more important job: to transform the
unfocused rage of America into a sustained and disciplined assault on
and victory over the forces responsible for this and other acts of
terrorism against the U.S. that past administrations let go
unchallenged: the bombing of our embassies, the attack on the U.S.S.
Cole, the 1993 World Trade Center bombings. I don't want another round
of emotive bombing. I want to win.
A war president.
That is the president I have seen in Bush, who understood on Tuesday,
Sept. 11, that his most important job was not public appearances,
flying to D.C. to boost morale, but preserving the American military
chain of command in the middle of an attack whose magnitude was at that
point unknown.